Friday, January 4, 2013

Protoevangelium, what is that?

Protoevangelium is commonly referred to as the first gospel. The term of protoevangelium is a theological concept that is used to describe the first mention of the gospel, in the Old Testament no less. This profound doctrine is found early in the Biblical narrative of Genesis chapter 3. The actual word protoevangelium comes from the Latin word meaning, "first gospel." (Proto) This is where we get our word prototype from. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines prototype as, "An original model on which something is patterned." That is exactly the thought behind Genesis 3:15. It is the first foretelling of the gospel. It is a prophetic statement pointing to the divine sacrifice of Jesus Christ that would ultimately effectuate the end of Satan. Please note that Genesis 3:15 is a promise, and it is issued forth from the Lord Himself! The renowned theologian R.C. Sproul, in Speaking of the profundity of this statement remarks, "After pursuing Adam and Eve so that they might find repentance, the Lord next turns to the serpent. Yet the Creator offers Satan no opportunity to confess his guilt; rather, He immediately judges the one who attacked Him by tempting His image bearers." Notice that the once heralded angel Lucifer has now ostensibly fallen into the depths of wickedness. The depths of which he will never return, and his ultimate fate is spelled out in the book of Revelation! His ever impending doom will cast its weary shadow over him all of his days. So take heart today dear Christian for Jesus has overcome death, hell,  and the grave. And yes beloved, even Satan! 

For more on the doctrine of "Protoevangelium" read the centuries old sermon of George Whitefield entitled, "The seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent." It can be easily accessed via the internet.

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